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5 Facts & Causes about Bladder Cancer

Bladder is a balloon-shaped organ situated in pelvic region behind the pubic bone. It is responsible for storing and expelling urine. Bladder cancer is a life-threatening disease which develops due to uncontrolled production of malignant cells in bladder and surrounding area. This fatal disease can be completely cured if it is diagnosed and treated in its commencing stage. Bladder cancer treatment cost mainly depends on the severity of cancer and provisions of health care center.   


What Causes Bladder Cancer?

Exact cause of bladder cancer is still a topic of research. However, factors like a parasitic infection, radiation, chemical exposure, and smoking are considered to accelerate the growth of bladder cancer. Also, people who eat large amounts of animal fats and red meat are at a greater risk of bladder cancer. Family history of this type of cancer doubles up the possibility of an individual to get bladder cancer. In such instances, people should consider visiting an experienced cancer specialist.

Important Facts about Bladder Cancer

The following points elaborate some important facts about bladder cancer.

  • Warning Signs - Blood in urine is the primary symptom of bladder cancer. In addition to this, frequent and painful urination, pain in pelvic area, and needing to strain while urinating are also associated with bladder cancer. It is mostly observed in individuals above the age of 50 years.
  • Types of Bladder Cancer - Transitional cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, and squamous cell carcinoma are the three major types of bladder cancer. Cancer which affects the transitional cells in bladder is termed as transitional cell carcinoma. Similarly, squamous cell carcinoma begins due to abnormal squamous cells formation and adenocarcinoma starts due to production of unusual and malignant glandular cells in bladder.
  • Diagnosis - Bladder cancer can be diagnosed with the help of cystoscopy, bioscopy, and urine cytology tests. Respective oncologists may also recommend certain imaging tests like computed tomography scan, chest x-ray, bone scan, and magnetic resonance imaging. These tests can help confirm the presence of this disease and finding out its root cause as well.
  • Grading and Staging - Grade of a cancerous tumor indicates the degree by which the abnormal tumor tissue differs from a healthy bladder tissue. Tumors with higher grades are likely to multiply at a faster rate as compared to low-grade tumors. Whereas, staging is performed to understand whether the tumor has invaded the layer of patient’s bladder.
  • Treatment Options - Surgery, biological therapy, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy are the basic treatment options for bladder cancer. In most instances, surgeons prefer a transurethral resection surgery along with radiation therapy to provide best outcomes. It is crucial for a patient to choose a qualified surgeon to decide the best suitable option. Bladder cancer treatment in western countries like Norway and Australia is quite expensive. While bladder cancer treatment in India is very affordable. Patients can avail high-quality bladder cancer treatment in India at most cost-effective rates.

Maintaining a balanced diet by consuming fresh fruits and vegetables, specifically cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, arugula, collard greens, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts can significantly minimize the risk of developing bladder cancer.


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