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Myths and Facts Related to Hysterectomy


Hysterectomy is a surgical intervention which can be performed to treat several pelvic problems including cervical and ovarian cancer. It involves removing uterus to manage the underlying condition efficiently. It is a safe procedure and carries minimal risks. However, there are certain myths regarding hysterectomy surgery among women. The following points elaborate the facts behind some of the most common myths about this treatment procedure.

  • Myth - Hysterectomy Surgery Adversely Affects Sexual Life
    Truth -
    This statement is completely false. Many women fear that they will not be able to enjoy sexual life following a hysterectomy. However, medical professionals reveal that it takes few weeks for a patient to recover following hysterectomy. Patients can safely resume normal sexual life afterwards. Majority of women report that there is absolutely no difference in physical intimacy even after a hysterectomy operation.  

  • Myth - Hysterectomy Leads to Early Menopause
    Truth - This is a most common myth among women. According to healthcare experts, hysterectomy does not always cause menopause. Menopause is triggered in some instances where ovaries are also removed along with uterus. If patients wish to remove their ovaries or doctors suggest removing ovaries due to medical reasons then menopause is bound to happen. Otherwise, hysterectomy is absolutely safe and does not lead to menopause.
  • Myth - Hysterectomy Causes Clinical Depression
    Truth - There is no evidence which supports this statement. However, some women may feel low during the healing phase. Health experts state that it is absolutely fine to experience nausea, fatigue, sleeping problems and change in appetite following hysterectomy surgery.
  • Myth - Hysterectomy Surgery Recovery Is Longer and Extremely Painful
    Truth -
    Recovery depends on the way by which hysterectomy surgery is performed. An abdominal hysterectomy may take a longer time. Whereas, vaginal hysterectomy or laparoscopic hysterectomy takes much lesser time for recovery. Like any other surgical procedure, women may experience mild pain during the recovery period. Surgeons provide essential drugs and supplements to control this painful condition.
  • Myth - Only Older Women Suffering From Cancer Should Undergo a Hysterectomy
    Truth - It is not right that only older women battling cancer are eligible for a hysterectomy procedure. Women of any age group can undergo a hysterectomy for a number of reasons. Medical experts state that women with several health problems like adenomyosis, uterine prolapse, fibroids, abnormal vaginal bleeding, pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis, and much more can opt for a hysterectomy.
  • Myth - One Cannot Undergo Hormone Therapy When Ovaries Are Removed Prior to Menopause
    Truth - According to top medical surgeons, removal of ovaries increase the chances of weakening of bones. Hormone therapy can aid relief to patients and minimize the risk of osteoporosis. Surgeons may also recommend some medications to control these problems.

Medical professionals and surgeons in India are extremely talented and renowned for their patients handling skills. Indian hospitals provide finest hysterectomy surgery at economical prices. It just costs a fraction of the total amount which one may have to pay in western countries like Australia and United Kingdom. Therefore, international patients looking for a quality hysterectomy surgery can highly rely on Indian medical services.