Travcure MediTourism

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What is Pharyngeal Cancer?

Pharynx is a narrow tube which is nearly 4 inches in size and located behind nose. It is responsible for connecting the upper food pipe area known as esophagus with trachea which is upper windpipe portion. Pharyngeal cancer occurs due to the growth of malignant cells and tissues in patient’s pharynx. Principal cause behind occurrence of this disease is unknown. However, factors such as smoking, eating tobacco, and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) are known to increase the possibility of getting pharyngeal cancer. People who eat a well-balanced diet containing fresh fruits and vegetables are less prone to develop such life-threating condition.



Warning Signs And Symptoms of Pharyngeal Cancer

The following list exhibit some of the major signs and symptoms associated with pharyngeal cancer.

  • Lump in Neck - Patients experiencing any abnormal lump in a throat or a persistent sore throat must seek a medical assistance at the earliest. These might be indications of an underlying pharyngeal cancer.
  • Voice Changes - Hoarseness or significant changes in voice are also linked with throat cancer and pharyngeal cancer.
  • Painful Ear Condition - Sometimes, patients may experience a partial loss of sense without any specific cause. Such patients should visit a doctor for a precise diagnosis.
  • Difficulty Swallowing - Persistent bad breath and swallowing difficulty is a clear warning sign of mouth cancer. Patients should not ignore such symptoms if they remain for more than two weeks.
  • Double Vision - In some instances, it has been observed that patients with an undiscovered pharyngeal cancer face the problem of double vision and similar other eyesight issues as well.
  • Blood-Tinged Saliva - This is the most common symptom of mouth or pharyngeal cancer. Patients experiencing this symptom must not delay in visiting an experienced oncologist for an exact diagnosis.

What Are The Available Treatment Options for Pharyngeal Cancer?

The following three are the main treatment options for pharyngeal cancer.

  • Surgery - Oncologists may use a surgical approach to cut off the abnormal cancerous lump from patient’s mouth. In some cases, where the tumor is small in size or inaccessible in nature, surgeons may use additional treatment along with surgery.
  • Radiation Therapy - Radiation therapy can efficiently destroy the cancerous cells in patient’s mouth with the help of high-intensity radiation.
  • Chemotherapy - Chemotherapy drug treatment involves the use of powerful drugs and medicinal supplements to kill the malignant tissues and stop their growth in patient’s pharynx.

In most instances, oncologists use surgical treatment in combination with radiation therapy to help patients get rid of pharyngeal cancer completely.

Best Benefits of Pharyngeal Cancer Treatment in India

India holds an advantage as a healthcare tourism terminus for a massive range of cancer treatments including pharyngeal cancer treatment due to the enumerated factors.

  • Medical Professionals - Most of the oncologists serving in Indian hospitals are well-trained and follow international protocols to ensure patient’s safety.
  • No Language Barrier - Cancer specialists and other staff are well-versed in speaking English which eliminates the language problem.
  • Cost-Effective Treatments - Pharyngeal cancer treatment cost in India is extremely less as compared to other western countries. Even the most budget-conscious patients can afford high-quality pharyngeal cancer treatment in India

This is the reason why Indian country has managed to be one of the best cancer care destinations across the world.



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