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Undergoing Affordable Breast Reconstruction Surgery Following Mastectomy

Breast reconstruction surgery may be an ideal solution for women who have undergone mastectomy as part of their breast cancer treatment. This can help them rebuild shape & look of breast which was removed during the breast cancer surgery procedure. Talking to experienced plastic surgeons will be extremely helpful for women considering breast reconstruction surgery in such cases even before removal of breast tumor. This will immensely help the oncology surgical team plan better even if you were thinking of undergoing breast reconstruction surgery at a later date. 


Benefits of Breast Reconstruction Surgery

Women generally choose to undergo breast reconstruction surgery for the following reasons.

  • For permanently regaining lost breast shape.
  • In order to make chest look balanced while wearing bra or swimsuits.
  • For not having to use external breast prosthesis which fits inside bra.
  • So as to feel better about their appearance & improved self-confidence.

Breast reconstruction surgery often leaves scars which can be seen when the patient is naked. However, these scars also fade & lighten over time. Moreover, newer techniques have also substantially reduced the amount of scarring caused due to this procedure. Normal goal of breast reconstruction surgery is to make a woman’s breasts look alike in size & shape & let them feel comfortable when they are wearing a bra & in most other types of clothing.

Breast Reconstruction Surgery Following Mastectomy

Breast reconstruction surgery following mastectomy can make the patient feel much better about their body. However, they must bear in mind that the newly reconstructed breast will never be a perfect substitute for natural breasts. Tissue from the abdomen, shoulder or buttocks may be utilized for reconstructing breasts & which may disturb those areas as well since they will look different as well following the procedure. Breast reconstruction surgery patients must therefore talk to the plastic surgeon about changes in shape & surgical scars & ask where they will be located & how they will appear after healing.

Important Things to Consider Before Undergoing Breast Reconstruction Surgery

  • Breast cancer patients have a choice to undergo breast reconstruction surgery immediately after mastectomy or to delay this for a later date.
  • Breast Cancer surgery & breast reconstruction surgery may leave scars or breasts.
  • Reconstructed breasts may not feel or give similar sensation like natural breasts. However, with time the skin may become more sensitive but may not feel the same like it did prior to breast reconstruction surgery.
  • Plastic surgeons might suggest that the patient wait for reconstruction, especially if the patient is smoking or having other problems.
  • Breast cancer surgery patients who are too thin, obese or having problems with circulation of blood may not be able to undergo breast reconstruction surgery at all.
  • Plastic surgeons may suggest surgery to reshape the other breast as well in order to match with the reconstructed breast if required.

Undergo Affordable Breast Reconstruction Surgery in India

Both, mastectomy & breast reconstruction surgery in India are excellent choices for women seeking good quality of affordable breast cancer treatments. Apart from the standard of treatments, breast reconstruction surgery cost in India is comparatively much lower than it is at other healthcare havens around the world. This is one of the primary reasons as to the growing number of overseas patients thronging to India for healthcare solutions every year.


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